Taking The 6-Day Lead Challenge?
These FREE Quiz Tips Could Double Your Leads From Day One
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Deciding to take this 6-day lead challenge is nothing short of guaranteed leads in 6-days or less.
That's exciting, right?
I bet you can't wait to get started. And we can't wait for you to start either. So let's not mess about.
Here's 3 quiz tips that'll give you a huge headstart when you take the challenge. Best of all - they're all FREE.
Plus, A Very Special Offer For Challenge Participants Only.

It’s All About The Results
Especially, if you want to go viral. People want to come away feeling good, special, or like they’ve 100% got the answer they were looking for.
So don’t make the quiz too hard, and make sure everyone gets a score or result they can be proud of. It’s particularly powerful if you can make your results quirky and good to look at!
Do this and you won’t just have a happy lead, but a lead happy to share their results (and your quiz) with it.
Everyone knows this one, right?
“Keep It Simple Stupid” means not overcomplicating things for yourself or your quiz taker…
When it comes to Quizzes in your funnel, short quizzes of around 3-5 questions max is a good amount to aim for. Remember, some opt-in page quizzes can be insanely effective with only a question or two.
You need to come up with new ideas that aren’t just ‘meh’. (Try and think up 10 right now, see how you do)
The “What (blank) are you?” format cleaned house with 1154 quiz views vs only 448 quiz views for titles that did not contain the words “which,” “are” or “you”
That’s more than DOUBLE the amount of views.
Conclusion: Don’t reinvent the wheel, don’t try and be clever, use the winning title format and double your views!
Moving on…

Introducing Super-Quizitris

What are they?
They’re K.I.S.S. in quiz form.
They’re also the very best pre-written quizzes we have to offer.
Having Super-Quizitris in your marketing toolbox doesn’t just save you time, it saves you ever having to worry about what questions to ask, or how to ask them, again.
And you’ll never need to stress out about coming up with “quirky-cool” shareworthy outcomes…
Because each and every one of these 35 pre-written ‘Super-Quizitris’ has been carefully researched and created by our inhouse team of marketers, copywriters, and weird-geeky quizperts.
All you’ll need to do is choose your quiz, and a few personal details to show-off your brand, segment your lead, or add a redirect to make sales… and you’re 100% ready to roll.
With Super-Quizitris there is:
With ‘Super-Quizitris’ Like These, You’ll Hit The Ground Running And Be Seeing Results Before The Day Is Out.
You know what’s better than 20 templates?
70 templates. 70 drop-dead-gorgeous, head-turning, can-I-steal-your-designer templates that’ll have your customers amazed and your clients coming back for more.
Upgrade now and we’ll add 50 incredible extra templates to your account that’ll keep your marketing fresh… your leads flowing… and your sales Kaa-Chinging all day every day.
Sounds good? Sure, it does, and anyway… just LOOK at them!
And you get them ALL when you add ‘Super-Quizitris’ to your order today.
Many people never even try.
Some people stop at good enough, and never become great.
A few people go above and beyond.
Those are the people you hear about. Those are the people with the great businesses. Those are the people that want the best all of the time.
But they don’t work harder, they work smarter.
Which means taking EVERY OPPORTUNITY to make it as fast and easy as possible to harness traffic, get leads, make sales, and impress clients.
And right now, with Super-Quizitris. You can do that for ONLY $49. One-time.
That’s $49 for 35 pre-written quizzes…
You can literally have a different quiz for every day of the month!
Plus, you’ll have 50 premium templates to choose from so your business, brand, website, affiliate offer, client portfolio…. will always impress.

Oh, wow. Seriously... congratulations!

How To Double Your Quiz Views
During research for Quizitri we came a across a study that tested 454 quizzes based on title alone and it blew us away.
50% of the quizzes had a random title, 50% of the quizzes used this format:
Which (BLANK) are you?
So, for example "Which (KIND OF CHEESE) are you?"
The results were so staggering we did a graph! :)


Then use clear questions, simple answers, fun, positive, interesting results to create the perfect quiz.
And you already know about the title (see tip 2 “how to double your quiz views” if you didn’t already).
Finally, make sure to use quizzes and templates that showcase your brand, and make everything else on your website look like a million dollars.
If that sounds like a lot of stuff to consider for a section called K.I.S.S… you’d be right! The fact is, the quizzes might be simple, but writing them isn’t.

You need each question to push your leads toward a result – use too many, and you’ll lose people who get bored and drop off part way through.
If you’re planning on going viral, you need to come up with creative, quirky results that people WANT to share.
And you know what? You can still do it.
But the best way to keep it simple? Let us do the hard work for you.
- No need to reinvent the wheel.
- No need to think up the next great quiz.
- No need to struggle over what questions to ask.
- No need to waste time organising questions and answers in the perfect flow.
- No need to worry if your results are quirky or cool enough to be shared (…they will be.)

PLUS! When You Upgrade Today You Get 50 Premium Templates To Use With Your Super-Quizitris!
OK Quiz-Master… Here’s A Quiz For You!
How much do you love more money?
A. Nah, it's a bit rubbish
B. Joking - I love it!
If you answered C we get you!
Because it doesn’t matter if your goal is more leads, more traffic, more sales, or more clients… or all 4 – it all comes down to more money, doesn’t it?
Which is why whatever your goals… you’ll love ‘Super-Quizitris.’
They’ll save you time because you won’t suffer the same learning curve we went through in creating them.
In fact, you won’t have a learning curve at all… because if you ever get stuck for ideas, or if one of your other Quizitris is stuttering, you can grab pre-written Super-Quizitri as inspiration, or simply publish it and be done with it!
Plus… you’ll save a small fortune in designer fees because you’ll have a huge selection of ready-to-go templates to choose from.
If you ever plan to sell Quiziti's to clients (which you totally should do by the way) then these Super-Quizitri's are going to be an incredible asset.
And on top of all that, as a 6-Day Lead Challenge participant you can get a heavily discounted deal on this page.
It’s Time For You To Hit The Ground Running And Become The Quiz-Master, But Are You Ready?
And you could be seeing real results within hours.
That’s why they’re called ‘Super-Quizitris’ and you can add them to your order today.
That’s 85 custom made, done-for-you resources for only
Add ‘Super-Quizitris’ To Your Order Today For Only
This full package is ONLY available on this page, so it’s make your mind up time...
Here’s a reminder of everything you’re getting today:
Only $49
No Thanks
35 of our most prized pre-written quizzes – each carefully researched and designed by our own inhouse team of marketers, copywriters, and quirky quizperts to ensure the most shareworthy results!
50 of our very best templates – custom built for Quizitri by our own inhouse design team (also slightly weird, kooky, and good at quizzes) to ensure beautiful branding, and wonderous websites!
The Super-Quizitri Upgrade
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